The Workforce Institute at Kronos Predicts Top Five Trends in Workforce Management for 2014
January 6th, 2014 at 12:37 pm
CHELMSFORD, Mass., Jan. 6, 2014– At its recent annual board of advisors meeting, board members of The Workforce Institute™ at Kronos Incorporated discussed their predictions about the top trends and issues that will impact the field of workforce management in 2014. These and other predictions were also captured on video and in an ebook.

Top Trends for 2014
- Making Data Small – Big data and analytics have been buzzwords for several years but the real value lies not in big data – which most organizations are swimming in – but in the ability to make data small and actionable. Tools and technologies that enable organizations to do this will remain a hot topic in the coming year.
- To Cloud or Not to Cloud? – Touted as the “next big thing” for several years now, the focus on cloud computing will shift this year. As more organizations look to move their HR systems to the cloud, practical advice on how to do so successfully will be needed. In addition, more will be written about why some organizations are choosing not to move to the cloud and the value of vendors that offer both options.
- The Workplace Goes Social – Social media has revolutionized the way people communicate in their personal lives but its impact has yet to be truly leveraged in the workplace. Social tools can drive manager and employee collaboration and knowledge acceleration to allow organizations to more effectively achieve business success. Gamification will also be a focus this year with organizations using social gaming technology in everything from hiring and onboarding employees, to training and development, to rewarding them for a job well done.
- Mobile Workforce Management – Like social media, mobile technology has transformed the way we communicate and interact with each other, yet it remains largely unleveraged by organizations for workforce management. As employees continue to bring their own devices to work, employers will need to determine how to best use the technology to gain access to the information they need – when and where they want it – to make frequent tasks simpler and less time consuming, and to keep employees happier and more engaged.
- The Affordable Care Act – it’s Baaaack! – Or, to be more precise, it never left. A year ago, most affected organizations probably thought that they would have a strategy in place by now and be executing on that strategy, but with changes and delays to the process, most are still in a holding pattern. Thus the Affordable Care Act – and how to most effectively comply with it – will continue to be a dominant issue in 2014.
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